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Nikol's Surrender (A World Beyond, #10) Page 11

  Her voice was hoarse and sent fire shooting to his cock. Nikol battled the savage need to take what he wanted. “What makes you think your wants matter?”

  Ire flashed in the blue depths of her gaze. Nikol lifted his head and cupped the back of hers to shut the next protest down with his mouth. Her taste was better than he remembered. Sweet as the fruit she’d eaten and as tart as her attitude. He thrust up against her in reaction and she rocked back. Releasing her head, Nikol smoothed his hands down her back and planted them on her round cheeks. He squeezed and when she arched into him, he groaned against her mouth.

  Send her away. Don’t do this.

  Warning signs blared in his mind. He shouldn’t take his release with the Earth woman. Sex sharing with Darcy would lead to a weakness for Lothar to exploit.

  When a soft moan left her lips and she tilted her hips to grind against his hardness, Nikol ignored all warnings and eagerly embraced the rippling sensations flowing through him. Darcy ran her hands over his chest, into his hair as if she wanted to memorize every inch of him. Nikol nipped at her lips, tongued the recesses of her mouth.

  “Damn you, and your stubborn nature. Why do you make me feel this way,” he cursed, unable to pull himself away from temptation. This Earth woman would be his downfall.

  He buried his face in her throat and raked his teeth down the pulsing vein in her neck, leaving marks that would darken and bruise in the morning. Another moan sounded. She curled her hands, digging into his chest and arched her back. Her reaction inflamed him all the more.

  Nikol yanked at her shellam to feel her skin to skin and the moment of contact was bliss. His fingers glided between the crease of her butt then lower to her feminine folds. Liquid heat dampened his hand. She wanted him with the same intensity he wanted her.

  Her arousal was more than he could handle. Nikol pressed his face firmly back into the base of her throat to muffle his groan. She raised slightly, creating a sliver of space.

  Once he thought he had himself back under control, he slid his hands between them to pinch and twist her nipples with unerring accuracy, drawing a sharp cry. She arched and bucked on his lap.

  “There you go,” he soothed, releasing the furled buds.

  “I hate you,” she whispered between broken breaths.

  He cupped her face to stare into her eyes. The fight still there amazed him. He almost admired her for the determined resistance. Almost. “Say you hate me if it helps but your body says differently.”

  Nikol went back to ravaging her mouth as he’d dreamed many times. She undulated in his arms, responsive to his every touch. When he pulled her hair, she raked her nails down his arms. When he bit her lip, she clamped her thighs on him. A perfect flame to match the inferno building in him.

  Nikol broke away on a pant. Her cries for more rose, her pleas a song to his ears. Nikol pulled her forward and eyed her breasts swinging in front of him. He curved his hands behind her shoulders and pressed downward.

  Eyes glittering, she came willingly. He tongued the nipple on the right, grazing her tender flesh. Her head sagged forward, hair spilling about him. It was like being bathed in the coolest water. Increasing the pressure on her shoulders, he lowered her enough to take the whole nipple into his mouth and sucked enthusiastically.

  “Ohh,” She moaned and ground her hips on his cock.

  One hand delved into his hair as she clutched him frantically and rocked. Nikol reached around and landed a sharp smack on her butt. He rubbed away the sting even as she ground on him harder. He increased the pressure on her nipple, letting his teeth come into play, all the while watching her. The moment the true sting kicked in, bursts of red popped on her cheeks.

  Fuck yes. He slid his fingers between her thighs again. She was wetter than before. Nikol released her nipple and shifted his head to the left, giving the other nipple the same treatment. Sucking, biting. Hard enough to give her that defining edge, that erotic slice of pain that could make everything better. She pumped wildly on his lap, drenching his fingers.

  His head fell back on the pillow with a gasp. “Fuck. You couldn’t be better if you were designed as a gift from the gods themselves.”

  Her head wobbled on her shoulders, features dazed and passion drunk as she blinked back at him. “Don’t stop.”

  “Patience.” Nikol stroked her butt cheeks. He wasn’t going to rush his first taste of her.

  Chapter 13

  Darcy didn’t care that she was splayed atop her enemy. The pleasure his touch created left her feeling disjointed. She dragged her fingers through his hair. It was like touching raw silk, not coarse as she’d imagined. “I need...I need you.”

  Her thighs shook with anticipation about his hips as his cock beat an insistent rhythm directly on her clit. It was too much stimuli and at the same time, not enough. Her orgasm hovered on the edge, waiting for a firm push to take her over. The urge to bear down and take what she needed was strong but Darcy also wanted him writhing beneath her, feeling the same raging lust pouring through her veins.

  Needing to see him, she scooted back on his legs and cupped him through his pants. He was thick, the length of him bent beneath the sheer pants. Her mouth watered as she drew the material down, ready to satisfy her curiosity. Nikol lifted his hips to aid her efforts until she got them to his upper thighs. He palmed her face, stopping her from investigating the way she wanted. “I am warning you. Do not bite me, astéri. I would hate to end this night with you over my knee.”

  There was much to break down in his statement. Why was he calling her a star? Over his knee? Did he think she’d let him spank her?

  Darcy shook her head and smirked up the length of his torso, recognizing the wary look on his face. Her body already stung with the marks his teeth had left. “I assumed the biting was a two way thing. You do me, I do you.”

  Raw lust sprung to life, brightening his eyes to a golden shade of brown. “Ahh, but I have not bitten you there. If it is your true desire, I will assuredly satisfy your craving and take that part of you in my mouth, Darcy. Choose wisely.”

  Was he implying—? A flood of moisture dampened her thighs and Darcy shook her head. “You’re an animal.”

  “Indeed,” he uttered without remorse.

  She wouldn’t let him distract her. Gaze dropping to his groin for her first look, she froze. He was thick and long, which she’d already ascertained. The flesh was slightly darker than the skin on the rest of his body. The tip was conical shaped and merged into a long shaft.

  There the similarities to a human man ended. No veins rippling through that she could see. There were rings encircling the length, four in total about two finger widths apart going down the shaft. She took him in a firm grasp and the rings pulsed in her palm. Nikol sucked in a breath and his hands dove into her hair to grip the strands.

  “You tease,” he accused in a husky tone.

  Darcy leaned forward and licked from base to tip in one slick swipe. His hips jerked up then back down to the floor.

  “Fucccck! Do not play, or I will return the favor.”

  Darcy held on to his waist and mouthed the head. He hissed but she concentrated on licking and sucking. Her head bobbed up and down and his hips picked up the rhythm.

  He tasted of the scented oil the tutanis had rubbed over his body, their hands gliding over him with familiarity and affection.

  Red hot jealousy blazed a path through her chest, causing her breath to seize. Pulling back from his enticing cock, Darcy sat up and eyed him with dismay. “I can’t do this.”

  The quirk of his lips was smug though confusion slanted his brows. “You already are.”

  She shoved at him, wrestling to be free. Nikol let her go and stood as well, shoving his cock back into his pants. “I meant, I’m nothing more than a body to you. One of many.”

  His grin fell, her accusation clearly stung and sobered him at the same time. “So? You were climbing all over me and enjoying every moment. Especially the part where you sucked my cock d
own your throat and tried to swallow it.”

  “Fuck you,” she snarled, swinging her arm back and smacking him in the face.

  As soon as she did it, Darcy froze. They both did. Run, run, run, her body screamed. But she couldn’t move. Their chests rose and fell in counterpart as they stood toe to toe. There was no mark on his face. She wasn’t strong enough to truly hurt him but his glare was dark and foreboding.

  “That is the first and last time you strike me.”

  There was a split second of contemplation. She’d blame stupidity later. By the way Nikol’s brows shot up, he realized what she was about to do. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop Darcy and she went in again.

  He caught her wrist mid-swing and leaned in close. Fire and retribution glowered in those dark eyes. His words were so soft she almost missed them. “You don’t want to push me, Earth woman. It won’t go the way you think.”

  Her heart beat a tattoo against her chest. She’d almost had sex with her jailer. The shame of it burned. She licked her lips, tossed her hair over her shoulder and boldly met his gaze. “How will it go?”

  Heat seared her face and throat as soon as she uttered the stupid question. It was a blatant challenge to anyone with a drop of sense and it was evident by his past behavior Nikol didn’t like her pushing back at him. He was the predator and she was unavoidable prey.

  His fingers caressed her wrist, the pulse jumping with each stroke. God save her from being a fool as she waited for his response.

  “You like the rush, Darcy?” he asked in a random subject change with seeming casualness.

  There was nothing casual about the inquiry despite his bland expression. Darcy knew it and he knew it too. She shivered and worried she’d brought a world of hurt on herself while also wondering how she could get back in his arms.

  Was this how Stockholm syndrome worked? Your body torn between falling right at your tormentor’s feet or running screaming into the night.

  Because that’s how she felt.

  “I think you do,” Nikol declared without waiting for her to respond. “Be careful how you draw my attention, Earth woman.”

  He dropped her wrist suddenly and held up his other hand. His fingers still held a sheen on the tips from when they’d been inside of her. He licked each one carefully, his tongue dragging up the digits with meticulous care.

  She hated him. But she wanted him. Desire twisted her thoughts about. She didn’t know what she was doing any more. It didn’t help that her body still screamed for the orgasm she’d missed. Darcy jammed her hands under her arms to keep from reaching for him, a strangled cry trapped in her throat.

  “What will it be, Darcy? Are you going to give us what we both want?”

  She glanced around, hoping for a means of escape. The curtains to Amia, Tashire, Stasia and Cecilee’s alcoves were all closed. How much had they seen? Heard? Shame coursed through her blood. “You’ve slept with the others.”

  It was a last ditch effort to put a barrier between them.

  “Slept with?” he sneered. “Is that your Earth euphemism for fucked?”

  Darcy inhaled roughly. Civility from him was a façade. The truth of him was staring at her now. “This is why I’m glad I stopped.”

  She spun around, the shellam twisting about her ankles but she luckily didn’t trip. That would have been humiliating. Head held high, Darcy marched by him.

  “I haven’t fucked any of the tutanis here, Earth woman.”

  His quiet admission stopped her. She was back to being Earth woman but didn’t dwell on that. Shock had her whirling about to face him. He faced her in full arrogance: legs wide, hands on his hips and dark eyes glaring.

  “But h-how?”

  His jaw bunched, a muscle ticking in his cheek. When he spoke, it was through gritted teeth. “It’s not your business the whys of it. Are you willing to proceed, knowing this?”

  The why was important but she’d save it for later. For now, she was overwhelmed with relief knowing he hadn’t slept with any of the women she’d grown to care for. With a nervous swallow, knowing she was about to make the biggest mistake of her life, Darcy asked, “Are you telling the truth?”

  “On my honor.”

  The vow was uttered with such faith she had no choice but to believe him.


  Nikol wanted to curse her for weakening him. She’d drawn forth an intimate secret no one else besides Dain knew. A deadly truth that could endanger the women in his kitse who held his confidence. He’d vowed to protect them and had not failed in that endeavor all these years.

  Anger burned in his belly at being brought this low. His nature demanded he force her compliance. Instead, he waited with bated breath for her decision. His cock wept in protest at the delay, droplets sticking to his thigh. What magic did the women from Earth weave to bespell so many males across numerous worlds?

  The air thickened, tension growing the longer she delayed. Nikol pressed his lips together, refusing to beg. It was galling to realize the power he’d handed her. But only this once. After she committed to take this step, he’d overrun her and get her out of his system.

  Darcy finally drew close, her hands landing on his chest. “I believe you.”

  It was all Nikol needed. Without further consideration, he lifted her in his arms and headed straight for his private alcove. He lowered her to the bed amidst his white sheets and pushed pillows and blankets to the floor. He wanted nothing to hinder his way in getting to her.

  Darcy lay sprawled in the bed, her red hair covering the stark white material beneath her head in tendrils. Her thighs fell open wide and the shellam covering the secret part of her blocked his view. Nikol growled and ripped the flimsy blue material away. He tossed it on the floor and shoved his pants down to his ankles.

  Stepping out of them, he climbed onto the bed and over her body. Wide eyes watched his every move, the blue centers fluctuating light then dark. The triangle of red curls between her legs glistened. He stored the sight in his memory. No one else would have her like this, see her as he did ever again if he had his way.

  “You’re mine,” he whispered and lowered his body to hers, careful of his weight.

  Darcy’s hands flew upward, palms brushing his horns lightly. She overcorrected and her fingers fumbled and grazed the sensitive grooves.

  “Fuck, fuck!” Shivers shot down his spine and his toes curled in the bedding.

  Startled by his exclamation, Darcy jerked her hands down. “Sorry.”

  No other woman who’d shared his bed had dared to touch his horns. Nikol hadn’t seen fit to explain to them the potent effect it would have on him. It paid to hold back that slight edge when sex sharing because it was a vulnerable moment for any Marenian male or female.

  Leave it to the Earth woman to expose him to another weakness. He had trouble breathing from the residual shocks rocking his core. When he could think clearly, he caught both her wrists in his hand and pinned them above her head.

  “What are you doing?” she tugged her arms but he didn’t relent.

  Nikol couldn’t afford for her to discover how sensitive his horns were. He leaned down until they were face to face, not a sliver of space between them. “Don’t. Move.”

  Unfortunately, he underestimated the Earth woman’s will power. Sheer defiance stared back up at him. Nikol’s pulse leaped at the daring look. She was magnificent with her flashing eyes and flushed features. But he couldn’t allow her to get away with it.

  Before Nikol could extend a warning to remind her of her place, she lunged up and licked her tongue down a deep groove on his right horn. He reared back in startled surprise, freeing her.

  She was quick and wrapped both hands around the base of his horns with deliberation. Their gazes met, locked. A spurt of fear mixed with anticipation filled Nikol. She sent him a taunting smile rich in the power she possessed in this moment and used her thumbs to trace the imbedded slashes that detailed his lineage. Nikol released a hoarse shout. She might as well have l
icked his cock again for the way it felt.

  Sensations popped and fizzled. He braced his forearms on the bed, his fingers twisting the sheets in his manic grip. Darcy moved her hands up and down, the caresses rough, providing the exact stimuli he craved. He locked his jaw and rocked his hips helplessly against her.

  “Stop,” he ordered in his harshest tone. She had to stop. “Or else.”

  His threat went unheeded. She used his reactions against him. Watching the way he lost control, his cock thumping uselessly against her inner thigh. Her confidence grew and she rubbed his horns harder, varying the strokes up and around the curvature, sliding through his hair to encompass the blunt tips on the end. Nikol closed his eyes and arched his head back, wanting to maintain the stimulating contact yet wanting to end the torture at the same time.

  “Enough,” he gasped when he’d reached his limit. Any more and he’d pour his seed onto the sheets. He flipped Darcy onto her stomach and prodded her to all fours.

  She glanced over her shoulder, lips parted and that ridiculous bottom lip pouting. “I was having fun.”

  Nikol didn’t answer. He palmed the back of her head and shoved her face down. He didn’t want to look into her eyes, feel the tug of connection. This was fucking. He didn’t do emotional sex sharing.

  Nikol settled between her legs, kneeing them apart to make room as he lined up behind her. Her round butt quivered and he smacked the bare flesh to watch it wobble. Her throaty cry was music to his ears. He notched the crown of his cock at the center of her moist folds. Once he got her out of his system, he’d regain control of his senses.

  She shook her head and broke his hold. When she glanced at him over her shoulder, awareness flickered. She bit her bottom lip, never breaking his stare and rocked her hips back until the tip of cock slid into her snug passage.

  She was wet. Soaked. And clamped down like a vise on the head of his cock. The thought of being buried deep inside of her had him pressing forward until he met resistance. Nikol looked down to see only half of his shaft inside. It was a glorious sight nonetheless. His length spearing her tight hole heightened his arousal. Nikol let his head fall back on his shoulders and tightened his hands on her hips.