Nikol's Surrender (A World Beyond, #10) Read online

  Nikol’s Surrender

  A World Beyond Novel

  By Michelle Howard

  Published by MH Publications

  Copyright © 2020 by Michelle Howard

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Nikol's Surrender (A World Beyond, #10)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32


  Bonus Epilogue

  License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this novel with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please buy an additional copy for each recipient.

  No part of this book may be distributed in any format, in whole or in part without the express written consent of the author.

  Thank you for respecting the author's hard work.

  This is a work of fiction and is not a reflection or representation of any person living or dead. Any similarity is of pure coincidence.

  Chapter 1

  “It’s done, my son.”

  His chest hurt, his lips were numb, but Nikol masked his expression as much as possible, hoping his father wouldn’t sense the pain.

  “Did you hear me, Niko?” Lothar snapped.

  Nikol firmed his stance. He hated when his father called him Niko. It meant dishonor but his mother had chosen his full name and registered it with the Majad before his father was aware. One of the many transgressions his father, Lothar, blamed on Nikol’s mother. Nikol didn’t care. He was Nikol Wulven and that’s the name he stood by. Nikol meant honorable warrior.

  “I heard you, Father.”

  Lothar smiled, the cruel twist of his lips matching the evil glint in his eyes. Nikol swallowed back his grief and rage. He was nine. Almost grown. How many times had his mother called him her little warrior? She may have been nothing more than a slave to Lothar but her heart beat with the strength of a warrior.

  Had beaten. The lump in his throat thickened.

  “Perhaps now you will lose the soft edge your mother fostered in you.”

  After another stare, Lothar left Nikol alone. He waited long enough to assure himself Lothar was truly gone then snuck away to the room he’d once shared with his mother. A room Lothar banned him from at the age of five when he realized Seri encouraged the very traits Lothar despised. Honor. Integrity.

  Those words were considered insults to Lothar. In his mind, a proven soldier—a Marenian to be respected was one who could lie, cheat, and steal. Marenia may have supported a lifestyle of oppression for their women but the culture Lothar cultivated in their home was built on treachery.

  Nikol peered around the corner and down the hall. The corridor toward the kitse remained empty. His father’s harem.

  Nikol inched along and knocked on the door. When one of the many women housed in the rooms opened the door, she stared at Nikol. Face blank, she stepped back and let him in. Others watched his approach. He didn’t recognize them. The tutanis and servants his father rotated through the kitse changed often.

  Heart pounding, Nikol ignored them and didn’t stop until he reached the last alcove. The dark blue curtain was partially open. He pushed it all the way to the side and red filled his vision.

  Streaks ran down the wall. Streams of liquid dripped from the torn sheets.

  No not red liquid. Blood.

  His mother’s blood. Nikol choked and edged closer. Someone grabbed his arm.

  “No. Nikol. She’s gone.”

  Gone. His mother. A good woman. A beautiful tutanis. Gone.

  Nikol lifted his gaze and recognized Mirim. One of his father’s newest acquisitions in the kitse. A sex slave, too. Her brown eyes gazed down at him in gentleness and with a slight tug she pulled him in close. Her curved horns butted against his own as she murmured words he couldn’t make out.

  Nikol stood frozen in her embrace. His father had just killed his mother after learning the reason she hadn’t gotten pregnant again. Seri had taken matters into her own hands and made sure she would never have another child by a monster. Lothar had three daughters by his other tutanis, older than him, but Nikol was his only son and he hoped Seri would provide him with many more.

  Now that was no longer possible because he’d killed her.

  “Come, Nikol. Your mother wouldn’t want you to see this.”

  How would she know what his mother wanted? All of the females in the kitse fought for Lothar’s attention, each one hoping to gain his favor to improve their situation or become First Placement. Nikol glared at them as Mirim led him away. As if being favored by Lothar was an improvement.


  “I have some good news to share with you.”

  Nikol leaned against the wall of Mirim’s alcove, one leg bent, his booted foot propped on the wall behind him. It was a studied casualness he’d learned to master. “Good news?”

  Mirim ignored the indifference in his voice and crossed the room to hug him tight. Nikol held still for the touch as he did each time she showed him affection. Even after all these years, he struggled with how to process positive emotion.

  “Relax,” she whispered, pulling back. “No one is around.”

  “My father has spies everywhere. It’s best to remember at all times.” If Lothar discovered how close they’d grown, Nikol and Mirim would both end up paying a steep price.

  Mirim grasped his hand, smiling. Nikol eyed her warily, but she only placed his hand on her puffy belly. “I’m breeding.”

  Nikol stiffened. “And this is good news, how?”

  His pulse kicked up its pace. Mirim was right. This was good news since none of the twenty or so tutanis in Lothar’s kitse had given birth since Seri’s murder. His father’s women had gotten pregnant a few times but something always happened and the child would be lost well before they were due. Those who were superstitious believed Lothar to be cursed for his actions those many years ago.

  Nikol knew better. The competitive spirit of their vile natures had taken a dark turn. Mirim’s pregnancy would indeed be good news. For Lothar. And maybe even Mirim since his father would immediately see to her care and protection in hopes of having a living child.

  “I’m further along and haven’t told anyone. I’m no fool, my little Nikol.”

  He snorted. After he went through his growth spurt during his twelfth year, he was taller than her by a good five inches. At fifteen, he now towered over the diminutive Mirim making nothing about him little.

  “There is a traitor in the midst, another tutanis in the kitse who wants to make sure no one else gives Lothar what he wants,” she continued.

  Nikol believed that. It would explain the many babies dropped before a viable term. Mirim moved
away from him and his arm fell to his side. “None of that explains why I should be excited by your news.”

  The words ‘I hate him’ were on the tip of his tongue but Nikol bit them back. If his father ever discovered his true thoughts, he’d punish him. No one wanted to endure punishment beneath Lothar’s hands. He knew that from personal experience.

  “Because you are going to be a big bruher.” Mirim grinned at the announcement.

  Bruher. Brother. His gaze dropped to her belly. He hadn’t thought in those terms concerning the previous news of pregnancies. Mirim, the only woman to ever care for him outside his own mother, was having a baby. His thoughts once more veered to the other tutanis. Some had died not long after they announced their impending births.

  Worry for Mirim crept through him. “You need to tell my father immediately and demand he move you from the kitse and assign a guard.”

  She caressed his cheek. “I plan on it today now that I can no longer hide my condition. I wanted to share it with you first. Someone I love and trust.”

  The breath stalled in his chest. This wasn’t the first time she’d told him she loved him. A surge of fear ripped through him. Mirim was the only good thing in his life. Nikol gripped her wrist below where her fingers touched his face.

  “I promise I will take care of you.”

  “I know, Nikol.”


  “See him. Your bruher.”

  Nikol’s heart clenched when he caught his first look at the blanket covered bundle. Mirim pushed the covers back further to bare the baby’s tiny features. Dark hair, small lips and a wide nose.

  “He’s very small,” was all he could think to say.

  Mirim chuckled and slumped back on the bed. Nikol jerked in fear, but humor danced in her brown eyes. “He’ll grow. Perhaps as big as you.”

  Nikol took another peek at the quiet baby she held. Impossible. He’d never been around his sisters much when they were born. Surely they hadn’t been this small either.

  “What’s his name?” He shouldn’t care. If Lothar knew how much this baby meant to Nikol, he’d kill him to give Nikol another of what he called life lessons.

  Then again, Lothar was out celebrating the birth of his new son.

  At his question, the first frown crinkled Mirim’s brow. “Harat. Lothar learned his lesson well from your mother and had the name filed with the Majad without consulting me.”

  Slayer. His brother’s name meant slayer. Mirim had picked another name. One that meant beauty and light. She wouldn’t have selected Harat after an ancient prophet who brought devastation to the land in his efforts to conquer Marenia to become the Majad ruler.

  Nikol’s uncle carried the title of Majad now. He’d met him when his father took him for a visit to brag because Majad Renik didn’t have any children yet.

  Much to Nikol’s surprise, his uncle took to him right away and often requested Lothar send him for visits. Lothar never refused in hopes the connection would sway his brother in his favor one day. Those times were Nikol’s fondest because he didn’t worry about being attacked in his sleep.

  “Promise me something, Nikol.”

  Mirim’s eyes burned with a feverish light. Black hair stuck to her face, her curved black horns dull from the birth.

  “Anything, Mirim. Anything for you.”

  Mirim was his replacement mother. From the day she walked him from his mother’s murder site, she’d become his caregiver. Ignoring Lothar’s disapproval, ignoring the hateful treatment from the other tutanis, Mirim coddled Nikol and cared for him.

  “You will take care of your bruher. Between us, he will be honorable and strong.”

  Nikol snorted. Mirim knew the things his father made him do. The drug dealing, sex slave auctions and other atrocities. At this point, the days of Nikol being honorable were long out of his reach. He was fifteen and felt as old as a man about to join the great beyond.

  “Nikol, promise me.”

  He gave in as she knew he would. “I promise. I will do everything I can for my brother to grow strong. He will be an honorable warrior you can be proud of.”

  She relaxed. “I trust you. Here, hold him.”

  Nikol’s arms suddenly filled with a tiny squirming baby. Light brown eyes met his own. Then the plump lips curved, flashing dimples as he smiled. Nikol inhaled sharply.

  His brother.


  “Prove yourself, Niko. She has betrayed us.”

  Nikol hated when his father shortened his name but today was not a time for such petty concerns. Standing with his arms clasped behind his back, he controlled the emotions storming through him.

  He risked a glance to the side where one of his father’s many guards stood. At the man’s feet, Mirim sat on her knees, chin tipped up, and defiance in her gaze. Gut wrenching fear tore through him. Nikol had received word of her upcoming punishment as soon as he returned to Marenia from one of his father’s trade deals. When the ship touched down, he’d raced toward his father’s office.

  “Do it!” Lothar growled, pointing at Mirim. “Punish her!”

  Keeping his breathing smooth and easy, Nikol asked, “What has she done specifically?”

  If he could talk his father down, perhaps whatever he planned for Mirim could be delayed and Nikol could get her away.

  Lothar’s face lost its patient demeanor. Rage and disbelief clouded his black eyes. “She attempted to take my son from me. Off-world.”

  Nikol dug his nails into the flesh of his palms and gritted his teeth to hold back the animal cry wanting to break free. If only Mirim had given him more time. He knew she’d planned to run with his bruher and had every intention of helping her when he found a planet safe enough to send them.

  “Show her what we do to our enemies, Niko. Kill her.”

  Kill? Nikol’s bowels shifted. It was a punishment reserved for the harshest criminal.

  “Leave him be! He’s a boy!” Mirim screamed, speaking for the first time.

  “Do it, Niko, or I’ll kill that brat she birthed me right now.”

  Feet frozen to the spot, Nikol stared at this man whose blood ran through his veins. “You would harm, Harat? You’ve spent years trying for another son and Mirim gave you that.”

  “Do you doubt me, Niko?” Lothar shoved the hair back from his horns. He signaled one of his men. “Bring the child, Calix. Let me show my son how easy it is for me to wipe one of my own from this world.”

  Panic broke the spell. “No. I...I’ll do it.”

  Nikol strode toward Mirim and shoved the guard, Calix, aside. Going to his knees beside her, he withdrew the knife he always carried. Mirim didn’t run. Didn’t cry. She leaned toward Nikol and whispered, “Do it.”

  He lowered his head beside hers, their horns brushing in affection. “Don’t ask me that.”

  If only Nikol had time. A few minutes to think of how to get her out of this, contact the Majad who would never let Lothar kill Harat.

  “What are you waiting for, son? Kill the suare!” Lothar roared.

  Seed sucker. Even now, his father demeaned her. It was Mirim who taught him the true beauty of the meaning for tutanis. It wasn’t sex slave as his father insisted. It was pleasure giver. But Lothar couldn’t understand something as gentle as pleasure.

  Nikol’s hand shook as he lifted the knife. Making his decision, he tipped the blade toward his own chest. There was always another way.

  “No!” Mirim hissed and snagged his wrist holding the knife.

  She didn’t understand. “This will be a welcomed out.”

  Mirim dragged his hand toward her. “Someone has to watch over Harat.”

  Then she rammed the blade home. Nikol caught her as she started to fall, frantically trying to pull his hand back but she only pushed harder, driving the knife deeper into her chest.

  “W-why,” he cried, blinking back tears, his throat burning.

  Blood dribbled from the corner of her mouth. “Remember your promise, Nikol.”

hunched over her, blocking Lothar’s view of them but there was no blocking the river of blood flowing to the floor. Lothar’s low, rich laugh rang forth.

  “My son indeed. You see, Calix? I knew he’d do it.”

  “Promise.” Mirim squeezed Nikol’s wrist tighter. Blood bubbles from her lips. “Remember.”

  He nodded, swallowing his pain.

  She smiled. “Good boy. Honorable.”

  Her eyes shifted toward the ceiling, where they remained as their light faded.

  Nikol rose to his feet. Lothar came over and clapped him on the back. Only his promise kept Nikol from tearing into his father. “When I return from delivering this newest group of slaves, we will kill the son she birthed to end her traitorous line.”

  Lothar turned on his heels without a backward glance at the woman who’d slept in his bed for over a year and birthed his longed for son. Nikol remained in place, fists clenched at his side as everyone left the room. They’d left Mirim’s body where she’d fallen.

  Rage cascaded through his veins. The last of the lessons which would see him through life solidified at that moment. He vowed to keep his promise to Mirim. Lothar would never be allowed to use Harat for his selfish purposes.

  And never, never would Nikol risk Lothar touching another woman who held his heart in her care.


  “When will you be back?”

  Nikol folded his arms over his chest and assumed his most stern face. “I’ll be back when I’m back. Do you think to question me?”

  “No,” the man stepped away, a trace of fear in his gaze.

  Nikol hated the look. It was the one his father garnered from all those around him. And now others began to gaze at Nikol in the same way. Word had spread quickly that he’d killed Mirim, a woman who’d practically raised him.

  As a result, his reputation had grown in a way not even running drugs and slaves for Lothar could have foreseen. The things he’d done, the blood he’d shed. He watched as women were bought and sold for his father, turned a blind eye to their pleas for help and accepted the accolades. He oversaw the transfer of stolen goods without flinching and threatened those who thought to fight back. In essence, he was turning into everything Lothar wanted him to be.