Nikol's Surrender (A World Beyond, #10) Read online

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  Those who have humans have been closed-mouth about that and attempts to crack the files will draw the notice of the Alliance. All we have are rumors regarding their sexual adaptability and capacity for strong emotions toward a specific partner.”

  “My birth control shot should hinder me from accidentally breeding her until I’m ready.’

  When Brax faced her again, fear raced down Darcy’s spine. She curled her fingers. There was no getting around what was in store for her immediate future. She had every intention to scratch his eyes out and fight to the best of her meager abilities.

  “Let’s go, human female.” Brax stepped to the side for Darcy to precede him.

  Despite her shivering countenance, Darcy left the medical center with him. The one thing in her favor was that Brax didn’t seem to remember that she wasn’t wearing the leash and collar he’d taken off of her. She kept pace with his long strides and didn’t say anything that would bring it to his attention. If they got to a room alone, surely there would be a way for her to fend him off.

  Unfortunately, Brax didn’t wait until they got to a room to begin his assault. He stopped Darcy in the middle of the hall by slamming her against the wall. Shoving his body onto her, he used his bulky frame to grind his hips against hers and grabbed her bare breasts. The pain of his thick fingers handling her nipples made her wince. Darcy hefted her knee high and rammed it forward.

  He gasped and stumbled back. she lunged to the side in hopes of escaping but Brax grabbed her arm. His fingers bit painfully into her skin. She cried out and tried to yank away. His features darkened and he raised his hand high. Darcy flinched, her arms going up to cover her face and head.

  “Brax, what is this?”

  Brax froze at the harsh and grating voice. She caught a glimpse of his startled expression before he dropped his hands and turned. “I was taking her to my room.”

  “I didn’t ask where you were going. Explain.” The newcomer’s voice was eerily calm.

  Panting, Darcy pressed a hand to her chest and fought the urge to flee. She peered around Brax’s large frame, desperate to see her savior. And wished she hadn’t. He was large. Taller and wider than Brax with dark shoulder-length hair and fierce black horns that curved back from his head. His flattened nose flared as if scenting her. His gaze flicked in her direction then back to Brax as if she wasn’t worth further consideration.

  “I bought the female at an auction on Tua-20.”

  Brax spoke in a concise tone, but Darcy didn’t miss the thread of nerves in his answer. She cringed against the wall and wasn’t sure which was worse, Brax or the man who intimidated him.

  “Did you have permission to bring an off worlder here?”

  At this, a quiver entered Brax’s voice. “Y-you gave leave to have slaves to service our needs if we didn’t have the monetary level to start a kitse, Lothar. Remember?”

  Darcy didn’t know what a kitse was, but she now had a name for this frightening horned alien confronting them.

  “I remember many things, Brax. Where is she from?”

  Brax lowered his head and muttered his answer to the floor. “Earth.”

  Lothar parted his legs which were as thick as two of Darcy’s arms. His shirt strained over his shoulders. “Did...did you say Earth?”

  Lothar’s voice had grown quieter if that was possible. Darcy didn’t like his even tones. Her throat swelled in reaction and she had trouble swallowing. The very lack of any emotion chilled her to the bone. She risked a look at his face and wished she hadn’t. His expression was blank, but his black eyes glowed as if the devil himself resided inside.

  Quick as a striking serpent, Lothar grabbed Brax’s hair and yanked him close while shoving him down to the floor. When the move was done, he had Brax on all fours while pressing his knee to the middle of Brax’s back.

  “I was quite clear in my instructions that Earth women were not to be brought to Marenia. We must not draw attention here and the Majad watches my operations closer now.”

  “Yes, Lothar. I couldn’t resist. She is a beauty.”

  Lothar pushed Brax with a booted foot and he crumbled to the floor, making no effort to get up. Lothar neared Darcy and she thrust her chin up while locking her fingers in the material of the shellam she wore. Lothar lifted a dangling red curl from her shoulder and fingered it with an odd expression on his face.

  Darcy held still. More scared than before if that was possible.

  “Are you from Earth?”

  His voice wasn’t overly loud, but Darcy jumped nonetheless as she answered. “Yes.”

  “Hmm.” That was it. He spoke over his shoulder to Brax. “What do you think your punishment should be for violating my rules, Brax?”

  Brax didn’t say anything as he slowly stood. Blood dotted his bottom lip and Darcy inwardly cheered from the minor wound.

  “Nothing to say?”

  Brax’s brown eyes flared with unspoken rage, his lips pressed tight before he gritted out, “Whatever you deem acceptable, Lothar.”

  The atmosphere in the hall was volatile. It seemed as if one wrong move or word could set things off with her trapped in the middle of whatever this was.

  Lothar tsked and faced Darcy while still speaking to Brax. “We can’t have anyone thinking I made allowances for you. Who knows what others would think to do next, right?”

  There was a dead look in the black gaze as it roamed over her face and body. This close, his features were easy to study. Broad forehead, smooth skin and thick lashes. Full lips turned up at the corners, but Darcy didn’t mistake it for a smile. It hinted too wildly of cruelty.

  Every breath wisped through her parted lips on a pant. She just wanted to survive. Darcy wasn’t religious but sent prayers to every deity she could think of.

  “I think,” Lothar continued in that same mild tone that made her want to plug her fingers in her ears, “you should give her to me. As an apology.”

  The hair at the back of her neck curled. No! was her instinctive response. Her knees began to knock and her bladder filled to bursting.

  Sweat trickled down Brax’s face. He slowly backed away with his head lowered. “Of course, Lothar. She is yours. Do what you will.”

  Lothar traced a finger over the injuries on Darcy’s face. She locked her knees and didn’t dare breathe wrong.

  “I believe I will,” Lothar said in a dark growl.

  Chapter 6

  Whatever Darcy expected when Lothar took her from Brax, it wasn’t this lavish suite he led her to. Armed guards manned the door and barred their entrance.

  “Ah, my son ever the cautious one,” Lothar said with a twist of his full lips.

  The guards inclined their heads at their approach but didn’t move from the door.

  “You will let this one in.” The laser Lothar pressed to the side of the younger one’s head seemed to help drive home the point.

  And that was how Darcy ended up inside a place that looked like something straight from a fairytale. Across the ceiling, large swatches of white material fell to the floor, creating a fantasy world. Lights imbedded in the corners gave off a soft glow that didn’t impact the bright sun shining through the few triangle-shaped windows with ledges wide enough to double as a sofa.

  The entryway floor was made of tan and white stone pavers that warmed under her bare feet, but there were thick fur rugs scattered about the space.

  Further inside, the corridor widened into a huge room with curtained nooks along the left wall. At the center of what Darcy took to be the main room, four women were seated on plump pillows on the floor and all turned when she entered.

  Her face burned. They were topless like her but made no efforts to cover their nudity. One female with dark hair and eyes wearing a shellam in a vivid shade of green came to her feet in a smooth manner Darcy could never have copied without falling on her face. The horns on her head were something she was starting to expect on everyone.

  “Are you to be the new tutanis for our master, finally
?” A pleased smile accompanied her question, the voice light and containing only a mild hint of curiosity.

  “Um...I’m not sure. I was taken against my will.”

  They stared inquisitively. No shock nor a rush to help. Darcy’s hope dropped and frustration had her muscles tensing. They obviously wouldn’t be aiding in her great escape.

  “I am Cecilee. What name do you have?”

  “Darcy. I’m from Earth.” Desperation added a rasp to her voice as she walked forward. “One of the alien men bought me from an auction.”

  Cecilee offered a gentle smile. “All of us were brought to attend to a male’s pleasure. It is a great honor.”

  “Honor? No, you’re confused. I was not honored to be taken away from my people. I was getting married. Or would have,” she tried to explain, glancing from one calm face to another.

  Why did they seem so accepting? Had they been kidnapped too?

  “If Nikol brought you here, then he has decided to take someone as his own. We have been waiting for this day to show him our appreciation for his care and kindness through the years.”

  Was she not hearing her? Darcy shoved a hand through her tangled hair and blew out a breath. “Listen. I don’t know this Nikol. Someone named Brax bought me. He stole me and Lothar made him give me up. Then I was brought here.”

  She talked slowly so they could understand her meaning fully. Cecilee’s pleasant expression faded. The other women came to their feet with the same lithe movement as Cecilee. Soft gasps escaped their parted lips. Still, it was Cecilee who reached out and grasped Darcy’s hand. “You belong to Lothar?”

  Dismay and regret flashed across their faces.

  “No!” Darcy yelled in frustration. “I don’t belong to anyone.”

  Cecilee cocked her head to the side and spoke slowly. “Are you certain? These are not Lothar’s rooms. This is Nikol’s suite.”

  They weren’t getting it. She didn’t know anything about a Nikol. Darcy snatched her hand free, pressed her knuckles to her forehead and closed her eyes. She was on the verge of tears. “I want to go home.”

  Silence met her plea. Arms gathered her close and hands patted her shoulders, her back. Darcy blinked her eyes open to see she was surrounded by all four women in a cloud of scented lotion or perfume. When the embrace ended, she felt calmer but no less confused.

  “What is this place?”

  Cecilee smiled. “This is Nikol’s kitse. We are his tutanis.”

  Kitse. Tutanis. Her translator was giving a pretty good idea of the meaning though she’d avoided accepting it until now. “I’m in a harem?”

  “It is an honor,” Cecilee reminded her. “This is Amia, Stasia, and Tashire. We have been with Nikol for years now and he has been responsible for our care.”

  She pointed to each woman as she introduced them. They all had dark hair in varying shades of brown and dark-colored eyes. Their skin was a deep tan ranging from gold to shimmering bronze and browns with heavy red undertones. One thing in common was the black horns curling back from their foreheads.

  “We belong to Nikol,” she finished.

  Which told her nothing. “Who is Nikol?”

  “The one who owns us.”

  She’d gone from one crazy alien to a scary alien and now she was in a harem belonging to another. It was too much for her over stimulated mind and Darcy’s conscious called it quits. Her body wobbled. Cecilee’s eyes widened and then Darcy collapsed into a heap. She knew she was on the floor, the cool tile soothing to her heated skin. Darkness took over and her eyes close on a sigh.


  A cool breeze flowed over Darcy’s cheeks. Light chatter and what sounded like water lapping at something filled her ears. Her lids fluttered and bright light pierced her vision. Squinting, she rolled her head to the side. She was lying on the ground in...she looked around—a garden?

  Flowers in light shades of purple and the deepest pink burst from the ground in an abundance of bell shaped petals. A waist-high waterfall built with gray and brown stones fed a stream flowing into a small pool.

  Pushing up into a seated position, she drew the attention of the four women all sitting about a plethora of flowers and what appeared to be a stream bisecting the lush greenery.

  “You are awake.” Cecilee approached on bare feet, her breasts swaying with the motion.

  “Unfortunately,” Darcy muttered, looking around. If only this was a nightmare. Too bad it was her reality for the foreseeable future.

  Cecilee went to her knees beside Darcy in that flowing way she had of moving. The other three women came and kneeled around her as well in an explosion of colorful skirts. Each of them smiled. Darcy cleared her throat. “So, um...what is this again?”

  “You lost consciousness, so we chose to bring you out to the courtyard garden we use. The fresh air is calming,” Cecilee said.

  There was nothing calming about being in a harem. “I need to get out of here.”

  Cecilee’s brows creased and the corners of her mouth dipped down. “You belong to Nikol now if Lothar sent you here.”

  “We were sent too,” one of the other women added as if that made it better. Her hair was up in a sleek ponytail

  Darcy frowned and Cecilee brushed a hand over her tangled hair, which probably was a mess by now. “Amia is correct.”

  “Where am I? What world is this?” Darcy found herself asking.

  “Marenia. You are on Marenia,” said Tashire with a sweet smile.

  There were tiny wrinkles in the corner of her eyes. Darcy stared at their faces and noted their astounding beauty but also their age. They were older than her. Their bodies, however, put hers to shame. Her breasts weren’t nearly as full or large. She had perky handfuls and tiny nipples that were uber sensitive.

  They also moved with a grace she could never emulate. As evident by the way they stood and encouraged Darcy to get up as well. Once she was upright, her energy returned on a surge.

  Cecilee folded her hands in front of her and tipped her head to the side. Her dark brown hair swayed about her shoulders and her gaze lost some of its sweetness. She met Darcy’s stare with an intensity that shot shivers down her spine. “I am unsure where you come from or how you arrived here but you should know—those who enter a kitse rarely leave.”

  Darcy inhaled sharply. Maybe they couldn’t leave but she planned on finding away out of this mess.

  Amia nodded. “It is best you learn not to displease Nikol.”

  The one Cecilia identified as Stasia with her hair pulled back in a braid tried to placate Darcy with a generic, “He is better than others and will treat you well if you don’t cause trouble.”

  Darcy snorted. “What constitutes trouble?”

  Because she would burn this place to the ground if she had to for her freedom.

  They all stared, silent. Darcy lifted an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. Cecilee straightened her shoulders and gestured toward the paved path to the left. “Why don’t we return inside now that you are awake.”

  A non-answer if ever she’d heard one. Darcy didn’t want to be pacified. She refused to budge until she made her position clear. “I don’t know why you all are here but I didn’t sign up for this and I don’t belong to whoever this Nikol is. Tell me what constitutes trouble.”

  Her volume increased on the demand and all four women flinched. None of them gave her an answer though. Darcy swallowed, her body shaking all over. Her mind went through dozens of scenarios and all of them bad.

  Cecilee dropped her hand. She must have realized how serious Darcy was. “Disobedience. If he seeks pleasure from you, it is expected that you will acquiesce and provide him satisfaction.”

  Sex. Cecilee could word it any way she wanted, but it boiled down to sex. Forced sex more than likely because Darcy was not going to willingly be a kept woman in a harem. “Well, I won’t be agreeing to that.”

  Droplets hit her nose and chin. Darcy glanced up and more rain hit her arms.

  The women ushered
her toward the multi-paned door that was slightly ajar. Back inside. Cecilee reached out and squeezed her hand. “I am sorry this seems strange to you. Most in a kitse are here by choice and understand what it entails. Our master is kind and will be kind to you as long as you do what you are instructed to do.”

  Darcy ignored the burn at the back of her eyes. She would not cry. If she’d survived her mom’s disinterest and her absent donor dad, she could survive this as well. Failure wasn’t an option.

  “Oh, and make sure you lower your eyes and kneel when in his presence unless otherwise instructed to do so. Follow the way we present ourselves.”


  Nikol forced himself to unclench the fists he’d made at being summoned. He masked his expression and breathed deeply to calm the fury that boiled beneath the surface whenever he needed to deal with Lothar. He knocked twice to announce his presence.


  Nikol opened the door to the office. As soon as he entered, he was assaulted with the familiar rage at the grinning countenance rising from behind the desk.

  It was hard to miss the crying tutanis curled on the floor to the side of Lothar. Her head lifted when Nikol came in, revealing a bruised face, swollen lip and red marks about her throat. The musky smell of sex scented the air. He gritted his teeth because it wasn’t unusual to see the females Lothar used in this condition.

  “Leave us, Pella.” Lothar swiped sweat from his brow and tucked away his still wet shaft as he dismissed her with barely a glance.

  Pella pushed up off of the floor, her shellam in a bundle near her feet. She gathered the gold material in shaking fingers and stepped into it. There were splatters of red dotting the fabric.

  With her head lowered, she limped past Nikol. Her whimpers were muffled but recognizable as she closed the door behind her.

  “My son. You received my message.”

  The command more like. Nikol had to draw deep on a well of calm and focus to dispel the image of Pella’s beaten appearance. “What do you want, Lothar? I just got home and I’m exhausted from another meaningless run.”